Women in Jeopardy!
Cast size: 6 (4W, 2M)
Thelma and Louise meets The First Wives Club in this fun and flirtatious comedy. Divorcees Mary and Jo are suspicious of their friend Liz’s new dentist boyfriend. He’s not just a weirdo; he may be a serial killer! After all, his hygienist just disappeared. Trading their wine glasses for spy glasses, imaginations run wild as the ladies try to discover the truth and save their friend in a hilarious off-road adventure.
Premiered at Geva Theater in Rochester, NY (2015) directed by Sean Daniels

The laughs in Wendy MacLeod’s play... come fast and furious. Women in Jeopardy! ...offers a new work that’s modern, lively, and loads of fun.
--Loren King, The Boston Globe
Wendy MacLeod's world premiere Women in Jeopardy! could be titled Audience in Stitches. It's one of the funniest nights of theatre I can recall at Geva.
--Jack Garner, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Women in Jeopardy! is a damn winner. The audience roared -- big time.
If you look behind the laughs, though, there is a conversation MacLeod is looking to have about the tropes and stereotypes of women-centric casts. But she leaves the work up to us. The job of this play is not to make any large sweeping statements, or to embed ideologies; rather, "Women in Jeopardy!" inspires conversation through its laughter.
At its heart, "Women in Jeopardy!" is comedy gold. It borrows little bits from everything that's come before it, but the result is refreshing and original, and somehow, the laughter comes easy.
--Kevin Carr, Rochester City Paper